Term Dates
Barcombe Playgroup term dates correlate with those of Barcombe School. The term dates for the school year 2023/2024 are as follows:
Term 1
Monday 2 September – Friday 25 October
October Break
Term 2
Monday 4 November – Friday 20 December
Christmas Break
Term 3
Monday 6 January – Friday 14 February
February Break
Term 4
Monday 24 February – Friday 4 April
April Break
Term 5
Tuesday 22 April – Friday 23 May
May Break
Term 6
Monday 2 June – Tuesday 22 July
Summer Break
Opening Times
Barcombe Playgroup is open from 9am to 2.45pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, and 9am to 12.30pm on Tuesdays and Fridays, during term time. Children can be dropped off from 8.50am onwards.
Children can attend for mornings or afternoons, or whole days, depending on availability. It is advisable to call us to put your child’s name on our waiting list as early as possible as our numbers tend to reach capacity.
Lunchtime is between 12.30pm and 1.30pm on the days that we are open until 2.45pm. Children must bring a packed a lunch.

Settling In
We recommend that parents make several visits to the Playgroup with their child before they actually start to help familiarise them with the setting. We want your child’s first experience of Playgroup to be a happy one and rely on your help in settling your child in.
It may be necessary for you to spend some time with your child once he/she has begun to make the settling-in process successful. You are welcome to stay for as long as it takes for your child to settle. Each child is different so there are rules about how long the settling-in process should take.
The staff are happy work with you to decide on how to best help your child settle smoothly into Playgroup.

Moving on to School
Barcombe Playgroup has very good links with Barcombe village primary school.
Every Wednesday morning we visit the school sports hall, where the children play ball games and take part in other physical activities and games. Through these weekly visits the children become familiar with the school surroundings which then helps with their transition into reception class when they start school.
We have termly visits from the reception class teacher at Barcombe school, offering the children the chance to familiarise themselves with their prospective teacher and vice versa.
In the final term before school our school leavers visit the reception class at Barcombe several times and stay a while for some play and story time. This gives them their first taste of school life and is invaluable in smoothing their transition to school when the time comes.
The Playgroup is also regularly involved in village activities such as fun days, street parties, summer fairs and other community events.
Latest News
Hello all - just reminder that we will be returning to Playgroup on Monday 5th [...]
Just a reminder that we will be returning to Playgroup on Monday 6th September 2021. [...]
September 2020 – Welcome Back!
We look forward to welcoming our existing children and new starters back to Playgroup on [...]