As usual we’ve got lots going on this term so watch this space for dates for your diary. We’ll always send an email and a letter about any important dates as well so make sure to check your inboxes and your child’s bag. You can also join our private Facebook page to get daily updates on activities and events happening at Playgroup.
The first date for your diary this term doesn’t involve the kids but we’d like to invite all parents to come along to our committee AGM at the Royal Oak in the village on Tuesday 4th October at 8pm.
We are a committee-run organisation and we need new parents to join the committee to replace parents of last year’s school leavers. All parents are welcome to come along to the next meeting and if anyone would like to find out more before then please feel free to contact Mim or Liz at Playgroup or ask for the contact details for other parent committee members who’ll be happy to fill you in on what’s involved.